Monday, April 22, 2013

Quick Tip: Curl Modification for Bigger Arms

         It's getting to be that time of the year....the sun is starting to come out and the weather is heating up! This means one thing, short sleeved t - shirts OR for the more courageous, tank tops! As they say, suns out, guns out!

        If you have hit a plateau or are just looking to intensify the biceps curl, whether it be with a dumbbell or a barbell, I have just the thing for you to try! It is a small variation but if done correctly, can produce great results!

        When performing the supinated (palms facing up) curl, you want to put as much stress on the biceps as possible. However, many people initiate the movement by first curling their wrists. This action takes some pressure off of the biceps! Curling the wrists improves leverage, allowing you to lift more weight but at the same time, reducing the load placed on the biceps. Instead of curling the wrists, cock the down and back throughout the movement. I read about this technique in a book by Charles Poliquin; one of the most accomplished strength coaches in the world. Charles states that by doing this, you increase the amount of weight placed on the biceps, exactly the area you want to be hitting during a curl!

        Don't be discouraged if your weights at first go down, because the growth in your biceps will go up! Start light to get the hang of the movement and then increase accordingly.

- Brigham Van Etten CSCS -

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